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City Guides Europe

Get ready for the perfect city guide!
-Forget about heavy guide books or tricky to fold maps.
-Don’t waist time getting lost or ending up in the wrong places.
-Download while at home and use offline without an internet connection.

Get the most out of your visit and make your trip a success by using Guidepal’s easy to use, inspirational and informative guides with, striking pictures, GPS maps and introducing,


With our unique AUGMENTED REALITY function (the ”Nearby” button) you can point the phone’s camera in any direction and get info with pictures on all nearby spots of interest.

Looking for a nearby SHOPPING or a good
RESTAURANT to get a lunch bite. This and more like ATTRACTIONS,
NIGHTLIFE and the local resident author’s
PRIVATE TIPS of fun and exciting activities you’ll find in Guidepal’s City Guides.
As an extra bonus you get to know FAMOUS PERSONALITIES associated with the city.

The Guides are tightly edited and written by RESIDENT AUTHORS and neatly lists the best locations with pictures from an insiders perspective.

This is your pathfinder to the world’s biggest and most exciting cities, always close to you – in your mobile – in your pocket.
Never leave home without it!

Kategorier:iphone, Travel
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